Sunday, January 16, 2011

storyNory : Hadiah buat temanku "Y"

Setiap saat,
detik demi detik,
masa demi masa,
hari berganti hari,

setiap perlakuan ,
perlu diperdengarkan?
perlu dihebahkan?
perlu diadukan?
selalu dirungutkan?

untuk apa?

sehinggakan tali itu terputus,
sekian lama bersatu,
menjadi debu-debu,
bertebangan mencari hala tuju..

angkara siapa??

mengapa alpa?
mengapa leka?

Dear Y,
I've already know you for so long..
And i think, i should say "this",
To wake you up, from the dream,
Perhaps,you didnt relize what happend arround you now..
You know why im doing this?,
because I LOVE YOU freind.. I dont want you LOST !!
Please..hear me for this time..
Maybe, you think im not the right person to say this.. But i do not care..
Because I do CARE all about YOU!!

2 pasang kasut tumit tinggi:

azza said...

aku taw y yg dmksudkn.....
smoga dia kmbali mnjadi y yg dlu....
wlaupun ak x rapat dgn dia,....

SoLy SoLicious said...

terima kasih za,sebab menyedari
semoga die sedar apa yg dio lakukan.
i miss her ..the old one